A BIBLICALLY-BASED SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT..."All Stressed Up and No Place to Go", is a magnetic and magnificent mixture of biblical knowledge, clinical theology, therapeutic insights and immensely practical applications to address stress matters based on Psalms 23. This book will solidify the comprehension and increase the level of instruction of stress-coping skills of ministers, counselors and lay persons. The 23rd Psalm will never be viewed the same after this reading.
Low Motives in High Places is written to educate and expose congregations to the mounting epidemic of clergy abuse and provide for them a model of restoration for the minister who becomes guilty of this hidden crime that produces secret pain and public shame.
Above all, Low Motives in High Places is written to the victim of abuse to convey to them that there is, in the body of Christ those who have a listening ear, a heart of compassion, a desire to help understand and communicate their pain in a way that will bring justice and accountability to their abusers.
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